Our Business partners for JAIKE, intends to provide its published work with full open access (Diamond Service). Open Access (OA) policy is indispensable to expanding knowledge and science that is highly demanded by researchers and the academic community.

Primary Market: OA Authors

Authors of the OA papers would get unrestricted unlimited access of their papers online. If they want to get a hard copy, they have access to the contents of those papers online. They can download or print them using their personal computers. There are no restrictions to authors --what they do with their papers. OA authors are free to post on any media like such as Linked in or ResearchGate, if they want. “

Secondary Market (Library and Institutional Subscribers)

subscription fees (charged to library and Non-OA Institutions) are only associated with print copies of fully-bound Journal, this is primarily to recover the costs of organizing, pagination, printing and mailing the Journal’s fully-bound issues every quarter.

Society or Affiliate Member Access (Individual Subscribers)

  • Access to full-text articles at web site
  • Individual access via username/password
  • Associate Members