The following steps are used in processing a submitted article, when it moves from initial submission to a final acceptance and publication in the JAIKE journal.

  • 1. The article is first submitted online as a Word document and a PDF via a Manuscript Submission and Management System (MSMS) by the lead author.
  • 2. On a regular basis one or more of the managing editors (or associate editors) accesses the submitted articles online, which are not yet reviewed and determines suitability of the article—whether, it falls within the scope and aims of the Journal or not.
  • 3. If the paper is suitable for the Journal, the managing Editor determines who will review the article using the database of potential reviewers based on the keywords supplied by the author and their areas of interests. The lead managing Editor then forwards the link of the article to the identified reviewers electronically. The lead managing Editor regularly tracks the articles through the MSMS System, sending reminders to the reviewers, if necessary.
  • 4. Reviewers are instructed to make recommendations to: accept; accept with minor revisions; accept with major revisions; or reject with resubmission encouraged; or reject outrightly, if the paper lacks quality contents. The reviewers upload their comments in writing on the same MSMS system. MSMS system keeps tracks of the entire reviewing process online and all correspondences between managing editor and author, and managing editor and reviewers, in a chorological order.
  • 5. The lead managing editor considers the submitted reviews and decides whether to publish with further revision, or not to publish the article. If a paper requires substantial revisions, the lead editor may recommend that the author makes a second revision, and submit a revised version, but there is no guarantee it will be reviewed by the same referees, or that it will eventually be published.
  • 6. A paper may be revised and resubmitted at most once. To avoid misunderstandings about interpretation of reviewer and editor recommendations, we encourage authors to contact the editor prior to resubmission with any salient questions.
  • 7. If a paper is suitable for the Journal, and reviewers recommend publications with minor or major revisions, authors is informed of its tentative acceptance. The author should return the revised paper as soon as possible. Normally, authors will have up to 4-6 weeks to accomplish their revisions.
  • 8. Upon receiving a revised paper, the lead editor may ask the reviewers to re-review the revised paper. The managing Editor also independently evaluates the revised article to ensure that the revisions are as requested. If the decision is not to publish it, then the author is informed and provided access to the review. If the decision is to publish, then the lead managing Editor informs the author, provides the review, and asks the author to re-revise the article. The Investigator's revised manuscript accepted for publication, should include all modifications from the peer review process.
  • 9. The article is then passed through three functions: copy editing (grammar, references), proofing (typographical errors, spelling errors), and layout (creating both an HTML and a PDF version of the article) and loading these into the journal MSMS system when it is time to publish the article.
  • 10. Electronic publication will occur online first immediately upon receipt of the final version of an accepted article, if it confirms to all pending obligations such as payment of applicable APC charges.